Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness week: Understanding, help and support

Jordans Solicitors’ Abuse department is proud to once again be supporting this year’s Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week from 3rd – 7th February.
We will be publishing one blog each weekday to help raise awareness for issues surrounding sexual abuse and sexual violence. As the first blog of the week, today’s topic is ‘What is sexual abuse and Sexual violence’.
What is Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week?
Across the UK campaigners, charities and activists dedicate time to raising awareness surrounding sexual abuse and sexual violence and those who experience it. It is an opportunity to offer support to charitable causes and offer guidance to those who may find themselves in a situation of abuse or violence.
When does this take place?
Every year during the first full week of February. This year Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness week takes commences today, Monday 3rd February, and will last until Sunday 9th February.
Why do we need a designated week?
The simple answer is that it provides an opportunity for focused dialogue on sexual abuse and sexual violence prevention, and how we as a community can improve our support for those who experience it.
Helping to raise the voices of those who go often unheard, and helping to shed light on the experiences of those who might previously have been overlooked, is at the core of this week’s purpose.
Who should engage inSexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness week?
This week is for anyone and everyone to participate and share their story or simply spread awareness and share support for those who may not feel able to.
There is no typical victim of sexual abuse or violence. The latest figures from charity Rape Crisis UK suggest there were almost 70,000 rapes reported to police between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024, while around 11, 500 sexual offence cases, and over 3,000 cases of rape, are currently being processed by the criminal justice system.
It is widely believed that the vast majority of rapes and other sexual offences go unreported. However, each victim is not just a statistic. The truth is that sexual abuse is experienced by men, women and children of every age. By fighting to tackle the stigma around abuse and violence, which has gained increasing recognition and understanding year-on-year in Britain, we can build a better and safer future.
How can I get involved?
This week, across the country, there will be events taking place in schools and community centres and digital events run by businesses.
Whether you have experienced sexual abuse or violence, or just want to make an impact, raising awareness is the best way to make sure that no victim goes unsupported or unheard.
Jordans Solicitors is proud to offer support victims physical and sexual abuse and violence through our work with NAPAC, the Rosalie Ryrie Foundation, and many other charities that offer advice and assistance.
Here at Jordans, we have an expert team experienced in guiding individuals through the process of making a claim for compensation with compassion and understanding.
If you believe you, or someone you know, may have experienced sexual abuse or sexual violence, we may be able to help. Get in touch today by calling 01924 457171, or email [email protected].
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