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Case Study - Securing Justice and Compensation for a Survivor of Childhood Abuse

Abuse Generic 2

The applicant was sexually abused by her father when she was a child in the 1970’s.

Due to the passage of time, the Police were unable to locate any record of her complaint and so enquiries were made to the local court who confirmed from archive records that her father had been convicted on three counts of indecent assault and was sentenced to 12 months in prison. 

As a direct result of the abuse, the applicant struggled with her mental health and was diagnosed with Bi-polar and PTSD. She had been unable to work since 2001/02.

A plea for an award for mental injury and loss of earnings was submitted within her application and detailed steps were taken to obtain the various records required to support both the award and the delay in making her claim. 

The CICA commissioned a medical report and, as a consequence, the application was accepted and, in January 2025, she received an award of £306,908.

The strength of evidence gathered was such that her case was settled at first decision without the need to challenge the Authority’s decision as is often the case.

Throughout the duration of her claim, we kept the applicant updated and provided her with the necessary support she needed until it successfully concluded. 

She also received a further £8,200 from a linked application.