Sex abuse gang in Wolverhampton and Walsall jailed for 190 years

Operation Satchel was an investigation into alleged child abuse carried out by West Midlands Police which uncovered the systematic sexual abuse of children in Wolverhampton and Walsall.
The abuse was uncovered when a hospital visit by one of the victims’ raised concerns in 2017. A total of 70 suspects were then interviewed by police and their investigation uncovered what had happened to the children at the hands of both male and female abusers.
It became the largest child sexual abuse investigation and prosecution in the West Midlands. The prosecution involved three trials at Wolverhampton Crown Court which took place in over a period of 18 months.
Matthew Evans, John Griffiths, and Violet Griffiths, 66, have previously been found guilty of multiple child sexual abuse offences.
On 27 May 2022 after trial 1 James Evans, Pamela Howells, Lee Webb, Kirsty Webb, Mark Smith, and Ann Marie Clare were convicted of multiple child sexual abuse related offences. Stephen Webb and Dean Webb were also found to have done the acts alleged but were found to be unfit to plead or stand trial.
They were sentenced on 31 August 2022 with the exception of Dean Webb who was sentenced on 9 September 2022 and Stephen Webb who was sentenced on 13 January 2023.
On 3 February 2023 after trial 2 Tracey Baker, David Baker, Luke Baker, David Evans, Philip Wellington, Natalie Wellington, Jason Evans, and Ryan Evans were convicted of multiple child sexual abuse related offences. Jane Evans was found to have done the acts alleged but was found to be unfit to plead or stand trial.
Some of these defendants were sentenced at a hearing on 24 March 2023.
Trial 3 concluded on 5 April 2023. The final Defendants were sentenced on 2 June 2023.
In total 21 people were convicted of child sexual offences. The Crown Court heard that the paedophile gang subjected seven young victims – aged under 12 – to “abhorrent and cruel” abuse over more than a decade. The total number of custodial years for these horrific offences is now 190 years.
Joanne Jakymec, Chief Crown Prosecutor for the CPS has stated “The 21 offenders convicted in Operation Satchel perpetrated the most abhorrent catalogue of systematic sexual abuse on seven children. The scale, depravity and deeply disturbing nature of which is unlike anything I have seen during my time working for the CPS and has shocked everyone who has been involved in bringing them to justice”.
Jordans Solicitors are currently representing a large number of clients who have suffered child sexual abuse. Where a person abuses their position of trust and commits an act of sexual assault a claim may be possible. We would encourage anyone affected to contact Jordans to pursue a civil claim.
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